Prof. Dr. Peter Wycisk
University Halle-Wittenberg
phone: +49 345 55 26134
von-Seckendorff-Platz 3
06120 Halle

Master of Science Course in Applied Environmental Geosciences and
Water Resources Management (MEGWRM)
Tempus CD_JP-32005-2004
Latest News
The Egyptian Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Hany Hellal, has accredited the MSc Programme “Applied Environmental Geosciences and Water Resources Management” at 20 July 2008. The real starting for education of the First Semester of the new MSc shall be at 1 October 2008.
The Project
The present economic, political and social changes coupled with new requirements for young academics require training on new modern higher education programmes such as applied environmental geosciences and water resources management.
The introduction of new post-graduate training programme for “MSc degree in Applied Environmental Geosciences and Water Resources Management in line with EU Standards” complies with the priorities and objectives of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education in particular with the development strategy of Faculties of Science, Agriculture & Engineering in Assiut & South Valley Universities.
The major challenge of putting the new course into operation is to develop interuniversity and interdepartmental cooperation. The curriculum development in Assiut and South Valley Universities will be carried out by introduction of a new MSc training programme in “Applied Environmental Geosciences and Water Resources Management” by October 2008.
The Consortium
This new MSc course (MEGWRM) will be organized by joint cooperation between:
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Institute of Geosciences, Department of Hydro- and Environmental Geology, University Center for Environmental Sciences), Germany
- Assiut University (Faculties of Science, Agriculture, and Engineering), Egypt
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering), Belgium
- REGWA Company, Egypt
- South Valley University (Faculty of Science), Egypt

Prof. Dr. Peter Wycisk
Prof. Dr. Esmat Keheila